This is my first ‘Artifact’ built with myAITutor. It’s a simple Asteroid inspired space shooter. Entirely coded with/by AI, it has randomized generative music that will change tracks every level. The sound effects are algorithmically generated as well, and you guessed it… the algorithms were generated with AI.
demo :
It was a lot of fun building, and it’s difficult to fathom what is becoming possible. If you want to use @myaitutor ‘s awesome tools and support me at the same time, here’s an affiliate link :… Don’t forget to use code “ITT”, but more importantly hop into the “Innovator’s Think Tank” Spaces on Saturdays, for live AI demos, and an awesome bunch of people.
Big shoutout to @tsi_org and especially Ross who built “AI Tutor Artifacts” which I used extensively to build this little game. In fact, the first Asteroid clone I asked of it, was fully functional and I was so impressed I had to try building something more complicated.